Based on Markdown

Write in Markdown with LaTeX Maths support

Markdown helps you add quickly formatting to plain text, so you can think about what you are writing rather than how to format it. A very limited version has been added to many messaging services due to it's speed. **Bold** – that's markdown. But we've extended it to include maths equations (using a format known as LaTeX), as well as supporting Checklists, Images and YouTube videos too!

Based on Markdown| Supernotes
Laptop Frame | Supernotes
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“The new right-hand pane, the UI, the keyboard shortcuts, the 1200 character limit, it being perfect for a zettelkasten, the export to markdown and PDF, embedding pictures. As a package, Supernotes is amazing.”
switched from Workflowy
“I am a PhD researcher. Personally, I am currently using supernotes as a dump for little snippets of information that I pick up from texts, academic articles, that I derive myself. These includes facts, questions, equations, methods etc. I then can search through them and I write more long-form fleshed out thoughts in Obsidian.
I like how Supernotes forces you into a mindset of small notes that can be easily searched and synthesized into larger notes.
switched from Pen and Paper
“Coming from Bear, the amount of code highlighting straight out of the box was a big draw. As well as being cross-platform/available on the web. I also love the Daily collection.
switched from Bear
My favourite feature is the soft word count limit. It's a non-obvious feature, and it's genius. I found that with other note-taking apps, I would just dump other people's content into the app, and then do nothing with it.
With Supernotes, I find myself only collecting the best nuggets and ideas of what I'm reading. The card-like structure and the word count limit push me to write things in my own words and do my own thinking. So I use it to take notes, record SOPs, and now to write drafts for content I want to publish.”
switched from Obsidian

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