A Bear Alternative

A Bear Alternative

Bear users are making the switch to Supernotes. Here’s why...

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We designed Supernotes to be a great note-taking alternative to Bear. See for yourself and sign up for free below!

Need more convincing? Here's a few more reasons why you should give Supernotes a go...

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what our community says...

“The new right-hand pane, the UI, the keyboard shortcuts, the 1200 character limit, it being perfect for a zettelkasten, the export to markdown and PDF, embedding pictures. As a package, Supernotes is amazing.”
switched from Bear
“To be honest, I have made an ample research to find the perfect app and I couldn’t find anything like Supernotes. If I had to pick a thing that grabbed my attention is the cards system because nearly all notetaking apps intended to build a knowledge system are focused in long form writing.
I think that the UI/UX using cards instead of a single page long form text is brilliant.
switched from Bear
“Coming from Bear, the amount of code highlighting straight out of the box was a big draw. As well as being cross-platform/available on the web. I also love the Daily collection.
switched from Bear
“I’m an AI researcher and so far I’ve been using Supernotes to keep track of concepts (ideas) from multiple sources. I was initially using Notion, Craft, and some text editors like Bear. But there was something missing.
I needed a way to express ideas that could come in handy in the future without it necessarily being just “notes” and the intuition behind Supernotes felt like it. I’m able to morph ideas into perspectives (of said ideas), as having some relation with other ideas, etc... allowing me to create structures.
switched from Bear
“Supernotes was the first note-taking environment I saw myself using happily, and at the same time, being able to share with my family. It strikes a balance between expressive power and simplicity that is rare to find.”
switched from Bear
100% the "Targeted dates" feature. This is something I've been looking for from other apps and has been the deal-breaker every single time. I thought it didn't exist, and I'm willing to forgive basically anything else about Supernotes because it has this, and does it well.”
switched from Bear
“I decided to switch to Supernotes because I needed a tool with a simple yet elegant design.
Additionally, I valued the smooth categorization, filtering, and search system that Supernotes offers.
The best feature of the app for me is the ability for a card to have multiple parents. I've dreamed of such a feature for many years and was thrilled when I saw it in Supernotes.”
switched from Bear
My favourite feature is the soft word count limit. It's a non-obvious feature, and it's genius. I found that with other note-taking apps, I would just dump other people's content into the app, and then do nothing with it.
With Supernotes, I find myself only collecting the best nuggets and ideas of what I'm reading. The card-like structure and the word count limit push me to write things in my own words and do my own thinking. So I use it to take notes, record SOPs, and now to write drafts for content I want to publish.”
switched from Bear
I love the UI: it's so slick, simple, clean and just easy to work with. I also like the fact that it's very easy to move around and capture thoughts as they come to you via just a keyboard. Don't get me wrong, I love a good mouse, but it's nice to be able to just _write_ and not have to break that mental flow.”
switched from Bear
People from the best universites and organizations | Supernotes

Wondering why members of the best universities and organisations trust Supernotes?

Not feeling Bear? We hear you!

Note-taking is very personal and even though Bear is a great tool, it might not fit your workflow. We’re on a mission to help you find the best note-taking app for you.

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